Monday, October 1, 2012

Mr Minister, Can we have some clear thinking on policy please?

Neelam Mathews
Oct 1, 2012

Civil aviation minister Ajit Singh said today that no Kingfisher flights can take off till DGCA certifies all  the aircraft are safe. He also said this was the "first time" the safety issue had come up with the carrier. There is a lapse of memory here. This is not the first time engineers of the carrier have gone on strike. Infact in April this year, 200 engineers had given up their tools. Why wasn't it then a safety issue?

While we are glad to hear the government is now facing reality and has asked Kingfisher to submit its financial report- recognizing finally that safety and finances have a direct link - hopefully it will acknowledge its error in judgement in an earlier announcement where the minister had clearly indicated that the audit on the airline's financial health should be removed from the safety audit? We need some transparent thinking.

Has this understanding come too late, one wonders. Now that the airline is on its last lap, will the government's comment on the probability of it closing down, actually be to the advantage of Kingfisher?
Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. What advantage for IT are we imagining here? The simple fact is that its way past its sell by date and by now beginning to smell. Keeping IT alive is like storing decomposed bodies in the hope that someday they'll come back to life...
