Saturday, March 30, 2019

Indoor Air Quality at Airports- An Emerging Environmental Challenge

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New Delhi-, ISHRAE in collaboration with GMR group organized a two day conference“ACRECONF India 2019”on March 29&30, ‘2019 at Indian Aviation Academy. ISHRAE in public spaces has remarkable importance.  Indoor air quality is a crucial element for passengers and staff protection, as well as a key aspect of airport passenger experience.Busy environment area like airport terminals, are currently regarded as possible hotspots .
This two days conference organised by the Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers along with ASHRAE- India Chapter in association with, India’s largest Private Airport Company was attended by experts from Aviation and environment sector who brainstormed on how to improve Indoor Air Quality inside Airports.
Ms. Radha Goyal, Deputy Director IPCA, Secretary Society of Indoor environment stated that, “The main emphasis should be put on reducing the infiltration inside the building and managing the work activity. Also building should be strictly declared a “non-smoking zone”. She discussed that different zones have different heating and cooling demands, due to different occupant density, activity performed, or time spent by travellers. The passenger flow in airport terminals varies significantly throughout the year or even throughout a single day.
The fluctuation in the level of activity and crowding is typically at terminal environment. Workers and travellers, including children and adults, are at risk for exposure to SHS in airports with designated smoking areas.No study has demonstrated a significant relationship between specific exposure to jet exhaust particles and respiratory symptoms because of many confounding factors. 
ISHRAE with 42 chapters all across India, having more than 12,000 members and 10,000 student members has been working relentlessly on promoting   Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and has already come up with IEQ Standard which has been well received internationally, & has been adopted by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). 

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